Audience Feedback

Collect anonymous and honest feedback from your participants. Customize the feedback form to perfectly fit your use case.

Rebecca Hofbauer

Rebecca Hofbauer


Since I get regular feedback from my students on SlideLizard, I'm finally able to adjust my lessons to the better each week!

Customize questions

Adapt the feedback form as you like. Add questions with number rating, star rating or open text. Choose which questions are required and which can be left empty.

In-depth statistics

Analyze your participants' feedback in detail to get a little bit better each time. See your average rating and text responses of your attendees.

Get feedback

With SlideLizard you can automatically request feedback directly after your presentation, when the participants still have your talk in mind. After your presentation the feedback dialog automatically pops up on each attendee's device.

Data export

Export your feedback and analyze it in more detail in Excel or archive it for documentation purposes.

More Features

Live Polls & Wordclouds Quiz Competitions Live Slide sharing Q&A Sessions Feedback Attendee Note taking PowerPoint Integration Live-Stream Integration Custom Branding Lead Generation MS Teams Integration

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