B2B Events

Term explanation  •  Category Events

Definition and meaning

B2B means Business to Business. B2B events are between at least two companys. They help to build interpersonal relationships, which are important for a successful company.


To present successfully at large events, SlideLizard is the perfect solution. SlideLizard makes it possible to integrate live surveys into your existing PowerPoint presentation and poll your participants.

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Other glossary terms

Corporate Events

A corporate event is an event organised by a company and intended for employees, stakeholders, customers, a charity event or public. The audience depends on the goal of the event.

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Slide transitions

Slide transitions are visual effects which appear in PowerPoint when one slide moves to the next. There are many different transitions, like for example fade and dissolve.

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Informative Presentations

An information presentation is created when no solution is currently available. Facts, data and figures or study results are presented and current processes are described.

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Title Slide

The title slide is the first slide of a presentation. It usually contains a title and a subtitle.

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