Asynchronous Learning

Term explanation  •  Category Learning & E-Learning

Definition and meaning

Asynchronous Learning means that the learning is time-shifted. The communication between student and teacher are time-delayed.


Do you want to make your lessons more interactive? With SlideLizard you can include quizzes in your PowerPoint presentations and your students can vote directly with their smartphones.

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Other glossary terms

Concept Presentation

In a concept presentation, you have to give general information as well as try to convince the audience with good arguments and deliver a solution concept.

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Pop-up Events

Pop-up events only last for a short period of time, such as only for one night or one month. An example: Another location of a shop is opened for only one month to extend the reach.

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A pitch is a short presentation that is given with the intention of persuading someone (a person or company) to buy or invest. There are various forms of pitches, depending on the goal and intended outcome.

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Display duration

Under display duration in PowerPoint, the start of the animation, the duration, repetition and delay can be controlled.

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