It's no secret that people love participating in quizzes. That's why they are so perfect for engaging your audience when you're doing a presentation. In this article, you'll learn what kind of quizzes there are and why you should use them. Also, we prepared a list of 50 creative questions about all kinds of topics that you can use for your next presentation or quiz night!

Types of Quizzes and Quiz Ideas
There are many types of quizzes. However, the main distinction is between trivia and personality quizzes. The names are pretty much self-explanatory. In the
Trivia Quiz, there are questions about knowledge and facts. In a presentation, they can be used for checking what your audience already knows about the topic you are about to present. But they are also perfect for testing your attendees knowledge after your presentation, making sure they remember what you just talked about. You can also just throw trivia question into the main part of your presentation, just as a little playful element.
With Personality Quizzes on the other hand, there is no right or wrong. You're asking about a personality trait, hobby, or whatever else you'd like to know about your audience. Those are perfect as ice breakers in the beginning, and for connecting with your audience instantly. They can be as serious or as fun as you want them to be.
The last category here is the Yes-/No-Quiz or True-/False-Quiz. You can either ask personality or trivia questions with this category. When formulating them, be sure that they can be answered with either Yes/True or No/False, and add a "Not certain" option if necessary.
Type of Quiz | Perfect for | Example Question |
Trivia Quiz | Checking the knowledge of your audience, contributing facts in a fun way | What is the Capital of Norway? |
Personality Quiz | Connecting with your audience, breaking the ice, adding fun elements to your presentation | Which one is your favourite colour? |
Yes-/No-Quiz (True-/False-Quiz) | Doing a quick poll, possible with both trivia and personality based questions | Do you use presentation software other than PowerPoint? |
How to integrate a Quiz in your Presentation
Quizzes at presentations are great, but how do you incorporate them best? You can of course just put the question on the slide and then let your audience raise their hands at the answer they like best. But that has many flaws, like no anonymity, people influencing each others votes, and no possibility to record the results. We recommend using a PowerPoint Plugin like
SlideLizard, which makes poll creation and conduction as easy as it can be. You type in your questions (or choose one of the templates) and some possible answers, your attendees connect with a link on their smartphone and vote for their preferred answer.
You can show the results to your audience immediately afterwards. Simply download the tool for free, install it and open up PowerPoint. In this video, you'll learn how to create your quiz polls.
50 Creative Questions for your Quiz
This is a collection of 50 questions - both trivia and personality - you can ask your audience when doing a presentation. They're sorted into categories.
- Arts and Culture
- Funny
- Geography
- History
- Modern Technology
- Movies, Books & TV-Shows
- Music
- Random
- Science
- Work
Arts and Culture Quiz Questions

Where can you find the Mona Lisa?
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- The Vatican Museum, Italy
- ✔ Louvre, Paris
- Uffizi Gallery, Italy
Which of the following does not classify as a Standard ballroom dance?
- Waltz
- Tango
- Quickstep
- ✔ Ballet
"The Scream" was painted by...
- Wes Craven
- ✔ Edvard Munch
- Vincent van Gogh
- Claude Monet
In which city does Romeo and Juliet take place?
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- ✔ Verona
- Florence
Funny Quiz Questions

Have you ever… (Multiple Choice)
- Had a crush on your boss?
- Peed in the swimming pool?
- Taken shampoo and conditioner from hotels?
- Told barefaced lies to your mother?
- Denied receiving work emails when in fact you did?
Why did you decide to join this event today?
- Knowledge building
- Speaker line-up
- Networking opportunities
- My boss made me
Would you rather...
- have spaghettis as fingers
- or have potatoes as feet?
Which of these embarrassing things have already happened to you?
- falling over in public
- texting something to someone by accident that they really shouldn't have seen
- calling your significant other by another name
- saying "Thanks, you too!" after the person who sold you the ticket at the cinema wished you fun at the movie.
You're going to a party. Who are you?
- The one who just stands in the corner hoping to go home as soon as possible.
- The one who befriends the house pet and spends their night talking to the pet instead of the people.
- The one who constantly makes Snapchat and Instagram stories about how amazing the party is and meanwhile misses most of the party.
- The one who goes totally crazy.
- The one who constantly plays weird songs that everybody is annoyed by.
Geography Quiz Questions

What is the longest river in the world?
- Amazon
- Volga
- Mississippi
- ✔ Nile
Which continents have you been to? (Multiple Choice)
- North America
- South America
- Europe
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia
- Antarctica
What is the most spoken language in the world?
- ✔ Mandarin Chinese
- Spanish
- English
- Russian
Which of these cities is not capital of a country?
- Vienna
- Delhi
- ✔ Rio de Janeiro
- Canberra
Which U.S. state has the second longest coastline (following Alaska)?
- Hawaii
- ✔ Florida
- California
- Texas
History Quiz Questions

Who is the Greek goddess for wisdom and warfare?
- Aphrodite
- ✔ Athena
- Hera
- Minerva
Bill Clinton famously a stray cat who was "First Cat" during his presidency. What was his name?
- Bob
- Billy
- Hicks
- ✔ Socks
Which colour was Saint Patrick's day originally associated with?
- ✔ blue
- green
- white
- purple
In what year did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?
- 1963
- 1967
- ✔ 1969
- He never did.
Which famous leader is also called "the sun king"?
- King Alfred
- ✔ Louis XIV
- Julius Caesar
- Alexander the Great
Modern Technologies Quiz Questions

What Social Media Platforms do you use? (Multiple Choice)
- Snapchat
- YouTube
How much time does the average person spend on their phone in a day?
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- ✔ 3 hours
- 4 hours
How much time do you spend on your phone in a day (approximately and on average)?
- less than an hour
- 1-2 hours
- 2-3 hours
- 3-4 hours
- more than 4 hours
In what year was the company Microsoft founded?
- 1973
- ✔ 1975
- 1979
- 1981
What was the very first message sent over the Internet?
- ✔ 'lo' // with the intent of typing "login", but the system shut down after typing the first two letters
- 'lol'
- 'hello world'
- 'ol'
Movies & Books Quiz Questions

What is the best-selling book of all time?
- ✔ The Lord of the Rings
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- The Little Prince
- To Kill a Mockingbird
How many books do you read in one year?
- none
- 1-4
- 5-10
- 11-20
- 21-40
- more than 40
Which one of these actors/actresses has not won an Oscar (yet)?
- Brad Pitt
- Audrey Hepburn
- ✔ Johnny Depp
- Reese Witherspoon
What's your Harry Potter house?
- Gryffindor
- Slytherin
- Ravenclaw
- Hufflepuff
- don't know
What's your preferred Genre of movies?
- Comedy
- Action
- Drama
- Romance
- Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Music Quiz Questions

What music do you listen to? (Multiple Choice)
- Pop
- Rock
- Electronic
- Hip Hop
- Jazz
- Classical
- Metal
- ...
Which one of these hits is NOT in the Top 10 of the best-selling singles of all time (worldwide)?
- White Christmas by Bing Crosby
- ✔ Y.M.C.A by Village People // sold "only" 12 million copies, the others over 20 million
- I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
- In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry
Choose a band to listen to on repeat:
- Metallica
- The Beatles
- Backstreet Boys
- Queen
Choose an artist to listen to on repeat:
- Taylor Swift
- Elvis Presley
- Beyoncé
- Michael Jackson
- Ed Sheeran
- Rihanna
The famous soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean was composed by...
- ✔ Hans Zimmer
- John Williams
- James Horner
- Howard Shore
Random Quiz Questions

The best pet is...
- a dog
- a cat
- a hamster, rabbit or guinea pig
- a fish
- some reptile
- something not on this list
- no pet for me, thanks!
What is the most common fear amongst the below mentioned?
- ✔ public speaking
- spiders
- heights
- snakes
- dentists
My favourite subject in school was... (Multiple Choice)
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Arts
- Geography
- History
The best way to spend a holiday is...
- on the beach
- in the mountains
- in a city
What sports do you do? (Multiple Choice)
- Football
- Yoga
- Dancing
- Ball Sports
- Jogging
- other
- none
Science Quiz Questions

Why are flamingos pink?
- There is no specific reason, they are just born that way.
- ✔ because of their shrimp-based diet
- because of a gene mutation
- to stand out more in the wild
How many steps should you walk in a day?
- 1,000
- 6,000
- 8,000
- ✔ 10,000
And how many steps does the average American walk in a day?
- 500
- ✔ 3,000
- 5,000
- 10,000

How much blood does a grown-up's body approximately contain?
- 7 litres
- 3 litres
- 9 litres
- ✔ 5 litres
The apes that are the closest relatives to human beings are...
- ✔ bonobo and chimpanzee
- gorilla and chimpanzee
- gorilla and orangutan
Which one is the only planet that orbits the sun in a clockwise direction?
- Earth
- ✔ Venus
- Neptune
- Uranus
Work Quiz Questions

How many PowerPoint presentations are given in a day?
- 5 million
- 15 million
- 20 million
- ✔ 30 million
According to statistics, these are the top 5 time-wasting activities at work. Which one do you waste time on? (Multiple Choice)
- (too many) Meetings
- browsing online (including Social Media!)
- commuting
- procrastination
How much of the available time at work is actually used for working (on average)?
- 45%
- ✔ 60%
- 75%
- 90%
What are your biggest motivations at work? (Multiple Choice)
- money
- interaction and communication with colleagues
- interesting tasks
- personal growth and taking responsibility
- possible promotions
- other
When is your most productive time in the day? (Multiple Choice)
- in the morning
- around noon
- at afternoon
- in the evening
- late at night
- I have no specific time
What kinds of quizzes are there?
There are trivia quizzes - they test your knowledge on a topic, and personality questions - which each person has to answer individually for themselves.
What are good questions for trivia nights?
You will find questions from various disciplines in our list of 50 questions, which you can read in our article.