Distributed Audience

Term explanation  •  Category Presentations

Definition and meaning

A Distributed Audience means that the audience you are trying to reach is spread over long distances.


SlideLizard allows attendees to watch your presentation from any location in the world using a smartphone. Your audience can ask questions anonymously and provide honest feedback to the presenter.

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Other glossary terms


Microlearning means learning in small quantities. It is especially used in E-Learning.

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TOK Presentation

The Theory of knowledge (TOK) presentation is an essential part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). The TOK presentation assesses a student's ability to apply theoretical thinking to real-life situations.

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Visual Communication

If there are used images or videos for communication, it is visual communication. Visual Communication is almost used everywhere like on television, posts on social media (Instagram, Facebook), advertisement.

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Vocal distractions

In vocal distractions filler words like um, er, and you know are used during a pause.

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