Die besten Quellen für kostenlose Icons für Ihre PowerPoint Präsentation

26.07.19  •  #PowerPointTipps


In a previous blog post, we presented our top 5 image sources for presentations. However, sometimes you do not need photographs, but rather icons to perfectly showcase the content of your presentation. So, here’s a list of the best free icon resources you can use for all occasions.

1. Flaticon

Probably the most popular website for free icons, which can’t be missing on this list. There is almost nothing you cannot find on this platform – in fact there are almost 2 million graphics you can choose from. For the flaticon basic license, you must credit the author, but you can find closer information on that with every single icon/icon pack – the instructions on how to credit are always very clear.


2. Freepik

Just like flaticon, you can find many icons on freepik. With the basic license, the author must be credited (again, the instructions are very clear when downloading an image). If you buy the premium license, attribution is not required.


3. Pixabay

Pixabay was already featured in our previous article, as they primarily offer photographs. However, the website also provides a giant number of vector graphics and illustrations. It is worth giving a try, especially since all the images are free and for commercial use, even without having to credit the author.


4. Icon-Icons

Icon-icons.com is another great website which offers thousands of illustrations for commercial and private use. The icons have different licenses – some require attribution, some do not. You can see this information in the description of each image.


5. Freeicons.io

Find the icon you need by browsing through the many categories freeicons.io offers. The author and website must be attributed, there is a simple guide on how to correctly do that on their website.


Über den Autor

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia arbeitet als Texterin und Grafikdesignerin im Marketing bei SlideLizard. Dort benutzt sie ihre blühende Fantasie und Kreativität, um tollen Content zu kreieren.

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