TOK Presentation

Term explanation  •  Category Presentations

Definition and meaning

The Theory of knowledge (TOK) presentation is an essential part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). The TOK presentation assesses a student's ability to apply theoretical thinking to real-life situations.


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Other glossary terms

External Communication

External communication is the exchange of information between two organisations. For example, it can be an exchange with customers, clients or traders. Feedback from a customer also counts as external communication.

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Internal Summary

Internal summary means to remind listeners about the major points which were already presented in a speech before coming to new ideas.

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An e-lecture is a lecture that is held online. Many schools and universities offer e-lectures as technical opportunities improve.

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.potx file extension

A .potx file is a file which contains, styles, texts, layouts and formatting of a PowerPoint (.ppt) file. It's like a template and useful if you want to have more than one presentation with the same formatting.

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