Audience Q&A

Crowdsource the best questions and conduct interactive Q&A sessions in your presentations.

Wolfgang Strasser

Wolfgang Strasser

Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional)

With large audiences I often saw people withholding their questions because they didn't want to speak out loud - since I use SlideLizard this is no problem anymore!

Show the current question

Provide your participants with an optimal overview - just a click and everyone can see the selected question on the projector.

Eliminate the fear of asking questions

Anonymous questions allow shy questioners to get involved in your presentation.

Answer questions afterwards

If there is not enough time, you can answer all remaining questions even after the presentation (if the questioner provided an E-Mail address).

Question Upvoting

Your audience can upvote questions from other participants that they like or want answered. This allows you to quickly answer the most popular questions first.

Data export

Export asked questions to Word or Excel for documentation purposes.

Custom branding

Make SlideLizard look like your own app. Customize colours, fonts and texts for your event or company.

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Live Polls & Wordclouds Quiz Competitions Live Slide sharing Q&A Sessions Feedback Attendee Note taking PowerPoint Integration Live-Stream Integration Custom Branding Lead Generation MS Teams Integration

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SlideLizard 1.4 Update

PowerPoint change format (16:9 ↔ 4:3)

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