
Term explanation  •  Category Presentations

Definition and meaning

A pitch is a short presentation that is given with the intention of persuading someone (a person or company) to buy or invest. There are various forms of pitches, depending on the goal and intended outcome.


Even if the presentation is very short, it should still have a certain thread. With the help of our blog post "Good presentations and what you should keep in mind", you are guaranteed a successful presentation.

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Other glossary terms

Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning means that one group of students are in class at school. Another group of students takes part in class from home at the same time. They both get taught at the same time.

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Process Questions

Process questions are similar to recall questions but they need some deeper thoughts and maybe also analysis.

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Keynote is a programme which, like PowerPoint, is used to create digital screen presentations. It is mainly used by Apple users.

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Hybrid Event

When an event consist of both virtual and in-person parts, this is called a hybrid event. This type of event is popular as it combines the benefits of both online and live events.

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