Blue Alps - Free PowerPoint Template

01.18.19  •  #PptTemplate


We have a new PowerPoint template to level up your presentation design:

Do you want to manage all slides in a central library and automatically synchronise slide changes with all your presentations? This is now possible with the SlideLizard CREATOR. It is a plug-in for PowerPoint and helps to save a lot of time when creating presentations. With just one click, you can automatically update logos, colours and images in all your presentations.

About the author

Daniel Amerbauer

Daniel is the Co-founder and CEO of SlideLizard. Perfectionist by nature, but also a passionate designer and developer.

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.pps file extension

A .pps file is a slide show. They are similiar to .ppt files but they open as a slide show if you double-klick them. They later got replaced by .ppsx files.

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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources are free learning and teaching materials provided on the web. They have an open licence (e.g., Creative Commons), which allows anyone to use and benefit from these resources.

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Slide Master

To create your own Template in PowerPoint it is best to use the Slide Master. After updating the Slide Master with your design, all slides (fonts, colours, images, …) adapt to those of the Slide Master.

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.potx file extension

A .potx file is a file which contains, styles, texts, layouts and formatting of a PowerPoint (.ppt) file. It's like a template and useful if you want to have more than one presentation with the same formatting.

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